Teoria 20th Century Polish Thought

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The following selection of essays by Balcerzan and Barańczak touches upon the poetics of literary translation in many ways, questioning for example its special mode of being, its multiplicity and polyphony, its potentially polemical and dissociative aspect, its relationship with artistic creation, and the possible methods of approaching its literariness and poetic meaning. These essays represent the fruits of their almost life-long quest for answers regarding translation. Thanks to this volume, international readers can judge for themselves how successful it was and whether it has stood the test of time.

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Details | Table of Contents

Literature from literature

(translation as quotation)

Edward Balcerzan


The poetic model of the world and problems of artistic translation

Based on the Polish translations of G. M. Hopkins

Stanisław Barańczak


Artistic translation as a "self-sufficient" and an "integrated" object of interpretation

Notes on the margins to some Polish translations of Gottfried Benn

Stanisław Barańczak


A small, but maximalist translatological manifesto

or: an explanation of the fact that one also translates poetry with the aim of explaining to other translators that for most translations of poetry there is no explanation

Stanisław Barańczak


Publication details

Publisher: sdvig press

Place: Genève-Lausanne

Year: 2020

Pages: 202

Series: Teoria: 20th Century Polish Thought

Series volume: 2

DOI: 10.19079/9782970082965

ISBN (paperback): 9782970082965

Full citation:

Balcerzan Edward, Barańczak Stanisław (2020) Literature from literature: Essays on translation, ed. Szymanska Kasia; Heydel Magda. Genève-Lausanne, sdvig press.